Decision Workshops

In this scenario Confidence Accounting gets made into a compulsory Accounting Standard. This would involve the IASB or FRC becoming interested (higher up chart) and supportive (happy face). When in that state they may mandate it. If it was adopted as a standard, then it would be start to happen, without the necessity of using market forces.
Dilemmas involved
The difficulty with this scenario is although it would be a good thing for these people to do, there is no pressing dilemma on them forcing them to act now and many other pressing calls on their time. They have no motivation to become interested and supportive. In as much as an options table can be drawn up, it is this:
Potentially the "mandate" route has some things going for it. The players are powerful and could theoretically do it if they were so inclined - they do not have to become more powerful for it to happen. However there is no immediate need or dilemma to motivate them to perform such a task, which would involve a considerable investment in time, and a unity and co-ordination of purpose that is not apparent.